Kochava Lilit

Headshot Kochava

A brightly-lit photo of Kochava standing outside in front of a brick wall. Zey is shown from the chest up and is wearing a black dress with moons and stars printed on it, a necklace with a magen david with a chai in the centre, and a purple kippah. Zir lipstick is dark purple. On one eye the eyeshadow on zir upper lid is green, blue, and purple and the lower lid is red, orange, and yellow and on the other eye the colours are reversed. 

Image Description (audio):

Kochava Lilit (zey/zir or they/them) is a queer disabled activist who absolutely loves being autistic, ADHD, and Jewish. Find zir on Twitter and Instagram as @QueerJewishCrip

Artist's Biography: