My Journey
By Jay Delaney

Content Warning
Discussion of mental health issues.
This is a hand painting on canvas using acrylic paint.
It’s called “my journey”
It represents me being Aboriginal, queer and disabled and a part of my journey trying to connect and find support within communities and individuals within that minority.
The black serpent is a homage to my culture and also represents me on my journey and the flow of my journey through communities and meeting individuals along the way.
The black colour of the serpent represents my struggle and lived experience with depression and anxiety and mental health issues.
The colourful circles represent the individuals and community members and meeting places I have interacted with along my journey.
An acrylic painting on canvas. The painting is portrait oriented. There are various circles made up of painted dots and a large solid black swirled line winding from the top right corner, down the canvas and back up towards the top right corner where it ends in a rounded, snake-head like shape. Three of circles are overlapping in the lower left corner below the black line and are made up of white, black, yellow, blue, red and green dots. Another circle sits above the curve of the black line in the lower right corner and is made up of white, yellow, red, green and black dots. There is another circle sitting on the right next to the end of the black line and is made up of white, blue, green and yellow dots. There’s three more overlapping circles that sit between the black line and go up to the top right of the canvas and these circles are made up of black, green, yellow, white, red and blue dots. One last circle sits in the top left curve of the black line and is made up of white, blue, yellow, green and red dots. The background is filled in with a large expanse of dusty red in the centre which blends with blues, greens and yellows towards the upper right and lower right corners.
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