Angela B

A colour photograph of Angela, a Croatian Australian woman cropped closely into the bottom righthand corner of the image. The frame is almost square, and her face occupies the right two thirds of the image. She is outside, under a clear, corrugated plastic roof, likely a deck or garage. It is a bright sunny day, and the camera has picked up a light flare, with the sun behind Angela creating a bright white sun flare above her right ear, obscuring the top right section of her face. She has blonde, straight, shoulder length hair, worn in a centre part. Due to the sun flare, individual strands of hair are illuminated at the crown of her head. She wears a dark, v neck top, and no jewellery. Her left hand is raised, sitting just below chin level, and she holds a clear plastic cup, three quarters full of water. In the water are several stems of fresh flowers, a mass of long, thin green leaves with six main clusters of purple and lilac flowers. The sun shining from behind means that some of the green leaves look quite translucent, and others are in full shadow. The foliage is angled away from her face, towards the top left corner of the image. Angela is smiling widely, showing her top teeth. She looks directly at the camera, through black, slightly rounded, rectangular glasses. We can see her left eye, but her right is partially obscured by the sun. She is relaxed and happy, as though she is showing the viewer her flowers.
Image Description (audio):
Angela is an oil painter pastel and charcoal worker living with Schizophrenia. I like to do portraits with other people with mental illness and I like to paint quirky happy things. I have an Instagram page @flowerycreativehorticulturist and a website:
Artist's Biography: